import re import sqlite3 import subprocess import sys import tempfile from pyfzf.pyfzf import FzfPrompt from model import Model from bcolors import bcolors class Task: def __init__(self): self.model = Model() self.fzf = FzfPrompt() def search(self): tasks = [] tasksData = self.model.get_all_tasks() if not tasksData: self.add() tasksData = self.model.get_all_tasks() for t in tasksData: tasks.append('%s: %s [ %s ]' % (t['aid'], t['description'], t['tag_names'])) selected = self.fzf.prompt(tasks) if selected: m ='^(.+):', selected[0]) aid = if aid: self.edit_task(aid) else: print(bcolors.FAIL + 'Task was not selected...' + bcolors.ENDC) def add(self): print(bcolors.HEADER + 'Adding task' + bcolors.ENDC) description = input('Description: ') aid = self.model.create_task_draft(description) print(bcolors.OKBLUE + '[task has been created]' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) def manage_task(self, aid): task = self.model.get_task(aid) print(bcolors.HEADER + 'Managing task: [' + task['aid'] + '] ' + task['description'] + bcolors.ENDC) long_term = ' ' if task['long_term'] and task['long_term'] != 'FALSE': long_term = 'x' tags = '' if task['tags']: tags = ' '.join([t['name'] for t in task['tags']]) print('''%s Description: %s Tags: [%s] Long Term: [%s] Created: %s ''' % (task['aid'], task['description'], tags, long_term, task['created_at'])) if task['done'] and task['done'] != 'FALSE': print(bcolors.OKGREEN + 'Finished: ' + task['finished_at'] + bcolors.ENDC) if task['active'] and task['active'] != 'FALSE': print(bcolors.WARNING + 'ACTIVE' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task_menu(aid) def manage_task_menu(self, aid): menu = input(bcolors.OKBLUE + '~task: ' + bcolors.OKGREEN + 'What you want to do? (?e*+-!v&> - go to child < - back q - exit ''' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task_menu(aid) def edit_task(self, aid): task = self.model.get_task(aid) long_term = ' ' if task['long_term'] and task['long_term'] != 'FALSE': long_term = 'x' tags = '' if task['tags']: tags = ' '.join([t['name'] for t in task['tags']]) content = '''%s Tags: [%s] Long Term: [%s] Created: %s ''' % (task['aid'], tags, long_term, task['created_at']) if task['done'] and task['done'] != 'FALSE': content += '\nFinished: ' + task['finished_at'] if task['active'] and task['active'] != 'FALSE': content += '\n**ACTIVE**' content += '\n\n# ' + task['description'] if task['content']: content += task['content'] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.md', mode='r+') as temp: f = open(, 'r+') f.write(content) f.close()['vim',]) f = open(, 'r') new_content = f.close() temp.close() found = False content = '' for row in new_content.splitlines(): if found: content += '\n' + row continue if row == '# ' + task['description']: found = True self.model.save_content(aid, content) print(bcolors.OKBLUE + '[content has been saved]' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) def toggle_long_term(self, aid): self.model.toggle_long_term(aid) print(bcolors.OKBLUE + '[task has been updated]' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) def toggle_active(self, aid): self.model.toggle_active(aid) print(bcolors.OKBLUE + '[task has been activated]' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) def toggle_done(self, aid): self.model.toggle_done(aid) print(bcolors.OKBLUE + '[task has been updated]' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) def add_tags(self, aid): task = self.model.get_task(aid) unlinked_tags = self.model.get_tags_not_in_task(task['id']) if type(unlinked_tags) is sqlite3.Cursor and unlinked_tags.rowcount == 0: print(bcolors.FAIL + 'Where is no more unlinked tags left...' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) tags = [t['name'] for t in unlinked_tags] selected = self.fzf.prompt(tags, '--multi --cycle') if selected: self.model.link_tags_to_task(task['id'], selected) print(bcolors.OKBLUE + '[tags have been linked]' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) else: print(bcolors.FAIL + 'Tag was not selected...' + bcolors.ENDC) def remove_tags(self, aid): task = self.model.get_task(aid) if not task['tags']: print(bcolors.FAIL + 'Where is no tags linked...' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) tags = [t['name'] for t in task['tags']] selected = self.fzf.prompt(tags, '--multi --cycle') if selected: self.model.unlink_tags_from_task(task['id'], selected) print(bcolors.OKBLUE + '[tags have been unlinked]' + bcolors.ENDC) self.manage_task(aid) else: print(bcolors.FAIL + 'Tag was not selected...' + bcolors.ENDC) def bye(self): print(bcolors.FAIL + 'bye o/' + bcolors.ENDC) sys.exit(0)