Simple filesystem based key/value db. Provided as golang lib.
testdata | ||
.gitignore | ||
go.mod | ||
go.sum | ||
LICENSE | || | ||
zordfsdb.go | ||
zordfsdb_test.go |
Simple filesystem based key/value db. Provided as golang lib.
Init root directory
Supported command
- GET - to get value. Depends on return type. Can be single value or map (to object or to list of object)
- INS - insert object into list
- SAVE - update value or object. Depends on path
- INC - increase abcex value
- DEC - decrease abcex value
- NOW - save current datetime
- DEL - delete
- KEYS - return possible keys
- object - directory of key/value
- list - directory of objects named by abcex as key
- path - path to key or object or list