shooting; end fight

This commit is contained in:
Arnas Udovicius 2014-03-08 20:27:24 +02:00
parent c205244bfc
commit 37655b1069
3 changed files with 188 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -869,6 +869,7 @@ def prepare_fight(screen, gs):
if (x_m > 1140 and x_m < 1355):
if (y_m > 30 and y_m < 80): # and['stage'] == 0):
gs.fight['action'] = 'moving'
gs.fight['fields'] = []
for i in range(54):
@ -889,6 +890,7 @@ def prepare_fight(screen, gs):
'health': 10,
'pos': None,
'field': None,
'in_action': False,
'fortify': False
for i in range(['fight_ark']):
@ -900,6 +902,7 @@ def prepare_fight(screen, gs):
'health': 50,
'pos': None,
'field': None,
'in_action': False,
'fortify': False
for i in range(['fight_ptr']):
@ -911,6 +914,7 @@ def prepare_fight(screen, gs):
'health': 100,
'pos': None,
'field': None,
'in_action': False,
'fortify': False
@ -924,6 +928,7 @@ def prepare_fight(screen, gs):
'health': 10,
'pos': None,
'field': None,
'in_action': False,
'fortify': False
for i in range(land_b['army']['ark']):
@ -935,6 +940,7 @@ def prepare_fight(screen, gs):
'health': 50,
'pos': None,
'field': None,
'in_action': False,
'fortify': False
for i in range(land_b['army']['ptr']):
@ -946,6 +952,7 @@ def prepare_fight(screen, gs):
'health': 100,
'pos': None,
'field': None,
'in_action': False,
'fortify': False
@ -1003,8 +1010,9 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
bgcolor.fill((235, 235, 155))
screen.blit(bgcolor, (0, 0))
mygt(screen, 1140, 30, 215, 50, u'Ėjimo pabaiga', gs)
mygt(screen, 1140, 90, 215, 50, u'Pabėgti iš mūšio', gs)
if gs.fight['action'] != 'victory':
mygt(screen, 1140, 30, 215, 50, u'Ėjimo pabaiga', gs)
mygt(screen, 1140, 90, 215, 50, u'Pabėgti iš mūšio', gs)
country, land = gs.get_country_land_from_capital(['fight_from'][0],['fight_from'][1])
country = gs.get_country(country)
@ -1031,6 +1039,44 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (start_x, 500), (start_x, 680), 3)
start_x += 20
#remove dead
for unit in gs.fight['units']:
if unit['health'] < 0 and unit['field'] != None:
gs.fight['fields'][unit['field'][0]][unit['field'][1]] = ''
unit['field'] = None
unit['pos'] = (1000, 1000)
if unit['country'] == country.short_name:
if unit['type'] == 'P':['fight_pst'] -= 1
elif unit['type'] == 'A':['fight_ark'] -= 1
elif unit['type'] == 'C':['fight_ptr'] -= 1
if unit['type'] == 'P':
land_b['army']['pst'] -= 1
elif unit['type'] == 'A':
land_b['army']['ark'] -= 1
elif unit['type'] == 'C':
land_b['army']['ptr'] -= 1
#may be victory?
lefts = dict()
for unit in gs.fight['units']:
if unit['health'] > 0:
lefts[unit['country']] = ''
if (len(lefts) == 1):
gs.fight['action'] = 'victory'
victory_country = gs.get_country(lefts.keys()[0])
a = fonts72.render(u'%s laimėjo' %, True, (0, 0, 0))
screen.blit(a, (300, 300))
mygt(screen, 500, 400, 215, 50, u'Grįžti į žemėlapį', gs)
for i in range(54):
for j in range(9):
index = gs.fight['fields'][i][j]
@ -1039,7 +1085,11 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
unit['pos'] = (52 + i * 20, 502 + j * 20)
unit['field'] = (i, j)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, unit['color'], (52 + i * 20, 502 + j * 20, 17, 17), 0)
a = fonts18.render(unit['type'], True, (0, 0, 0))
type_color = (0, 0, 0)
if unit['in_action']:
type_color = (255, 255, 255)
a = fonts18.render(unit['type'], True, type_color)
screen.blit(a, (55 + i * 20, 505 + j * 20))
if unit['fortify']:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), (52 + i * 20, 502 + j * 20, 16, 16), 2)
@ -1075,7 +1125,8 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
x, y = gs.fight['selected_pos'], (255, 0, 0), (x - 20, y + 20), longness, 5)
if gs.fight['action'] == 'moving':
if gs.fight['action'] in ['moving', 'shooting']:
if len(gs.fight['user_log']) == 0:
gs.fight['action'] = 'looking'
@ -1084,23 +1135,27 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
if action['action'] == 'F':
unit['fortify'] = True
unit['in_action'] = False
del gs.fight['user_log'][0]
elif action['action'] == 'S':
del gs.fight['user_log'][0], (0, 0, 0), (unit['pos'][0]+10, 300), 10)
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (50, 300), (1130, 300), 3)
gs.fight['action'] = 'shooting'
elif action['action'] == 'G':
if unit['pos'] == action['target']:
i = (unit['pos'][0] - 52) / 20
j = (unit['pos'][1] - 502) / 20
unit['field'] = (i, j)
unit['in_action'] = False
gs.fight['fields'][i][j] = unit['id']
del gs.fight['user_log'][0]
gs.fight['fields'][unit['field'][0]][unit['field'][1]] = None
gs.fight['fields'][unit['field'][0]][unit['field'][1]] = ''
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (unit['pos'][0] - 1, unit['pos'][1] - 1, 19, 19), 5)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, unit['color'], (unit['pos'][0], unit['pos'][1], 17, 17), 0)
a = fonts18.render(unit['type'], True, (0, 0, 0))
a = fonts18.render(unit['type'], True, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(a, (unit['pos'][0] + 3, unit['pos'][1] + 3))
x = unit['pos'][0]
@ -1118,13 +1173,42 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
unit['pos'] = (x, y)
if gs.fight['action'] == 'selected_shoot':
selected_unit = gs.fight['units'][gs.fight['selected_unit']]
if selected_unit['type'] in ['P']:
longness = 20
elif selected_unit['type'] in ['C']:
longness = 60
longness = 0
x, y = gs.fight['selected_pos'], (255, 0, 0), (x, y + 10), gs.fight['param_int'], 0)
gs.fight['param_int'] += 1
if (gs.fight['param_int'] > longness):
# calculating damage
for unit in gs.fight['units']:
distance = int(math.sqrt((unit['pos'][0] - x)**2 + (unit['pos'][1] - y - 10)**2))
if longness / distance:
unit['health'] -= (longness - distance)
gs.fight['param_int'] = 0
gs.fight['selected_unit'] = None
gs.fight['selected_pos'] = None
selected_unit['in_action'] = False
del gs.fight['user_log'][0]
gs.fight['action'] = 'moving'
# Inputs
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1:
x_m, y_m = event.pos
if (x_m > 1140 and x_m < 1355):
if gs.fight['action'] != 'victory' and (x_m > 1140 and x_m < 1355):
if (y_m > 30 and y_m < 80):
gs.fight['action'] = 'moving'
@ -1141,6 +1225,24 @@ def fight(screen, gs):['fight_to'] = None
if gs.fight['action'] == 'victory' and (x_m > 500 and x_m < 715) and (400 < y_m < 450):
#if aggressor wins - army should go to this land and land should got to him
if country.short_name == lefts.keys()[0]:
land['army']['pst'] =['fight_pst']
land['army']['ark'] =['fight_ark']
land['army']['ptr'] =['fight_ptr']
gs.transfare_land()['fight_from'] = None['fight_to'] = None
if gs.fight['action'] in ['looking', 'selected_go']:
for i in range(54):
for j in range(9):
@ -1181,6 +1283,8 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
'target': (x, y)
selected_unit['in_action'] = True
gs.fight['action'] = 'looking'
gs.fight['selected_unit'] = None
gs.fight['selected_field'] = None
@ -1215,6 +1319,8 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
'action': 'F'
selected_unit['in_action'] = True
gs.fight['action'] = 'looking'
gs.fight['selected_unit'] = None
gs.fight['selected_field'] = None
@ -1238,7 +1344,59 @@ def fight(screen, gs):
'action': 'S'
selected_unit['in_action'] = True
gs.fight['action'] = 'looking'
gs.fight['selected_unit'] = None
gs.fight['selected_field'] = None
gs.fight['selected_pos'] = None
# locking shooting target
if (gs.fight['action'] == 'shooting' and 0 < x_m < 1180 and 300 < y_m < 500):
action = gs.fight['user_log'][0]
unit = gs.fight['units'][action['unit']]
if unit['type'] == 'C':
potention = (y_m - 300) / 20.
potention = (y_m - 300) / 60.
if x_m > unit['pos'][0] + 10:
x_start = unit['pos'][0] + 10 - int((x_m - unit['pos'][0] - 10) * potention)
x_start = unit['pos'][0] + 10 + int((unit['pos'][0] + 10 - x_m) * potention)
gs.fight['action'] = 'selected_shoot'
gs.fight['selected_unit'] = unit['id']
gs.fight['selected_field'] = None
gs.fight['selected_pos'] = (x_start, unit['pos'][1])
if event.type == MOUSEMOTION:
x_m, y_m = event.pos
if (gs.fight['action'] == 'shooting' and 0 < x_m < 1180 and 300 < y_m < 500):
action = gs.fight['user_log'][0]
unit = gs.fight['units'][action['unit']], (0, 0, 0), (unit['pos'][0]+10, 300), 10)
pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 0, 0), (x_m, y_m), (unit['pos'][0]+10, 300), 3)
if unit['type'] == 'C':
potention = (y_m - 300) / 20.
potention = (y_m - 300) / 60.
y_diff = y_m - 300
y_start = 300 - y_diff / 2
if x_m > unit['pos'][0] + 10:
x_start = unit['pos'][0] + 10 - int((x_m - unit['pos'][0] - 10) * potention)
x_diff = int((x_m - unit['pos'][0] - 10) * potention)
x_start = unit['pos'][0] + 10
x_diff = int((unit['pos'][0] + 10 - x_m) * potention)
if x_diff > 5 and y_diff > 5:
pygame.draw.arc(screen, (255, 0, 0), (x_start, y_start, x_diff, y_diff),
0, 3.15, 3)

View file

@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ class GameSettings:
'selected_field': None,
'selected_pos': None,
'action': 'looking',
'user_log': []
'user_log': [],
'param_int': 0
def __init__(self):
@ -228,6 +229,23 @@ class GameSettings:
return None, None
def transfare_land(self):
"""after fight transfare land to winer"""
vcountry, vland = self.get_country_land_from_capital(['fight_from'][0],['fight_from'][1])
x =['fight_to'][0]
y =['fight_to'][1]
for country in['map']:
for i, land in enumerate(['map'][country]):
if x - 10 < land['capital'][0] < x + 10 and y - 10 < land['capital'][1] < y + 10:
land['color'] = vland['color']['map'][vcountry].append(land)
def save_new_map(self):
# prepare content
structure ={}

maps/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
{"ru": [{"color": [255, 12, 56], "border": [[482, 203], [489, 319], [585, 293], [578, 210], [512, 192], [490, 202], [482, 202], [482, 203], [482, 203]], "capital": [550, 259]}], "lt": [{"color": [56, 255, 5], "border": [[378, 255], [486, 202], [493, 318], [345, 335], [383, 251], [378, 255]], "capital": [435, 290]}]}