# arns-lt-gemini [![Build Status](https://drone.arns.lt/api/badges/zordsdavini/arns-lt-gemini/status.svg)](https://drone.arns.lt/zordsdavini/arns-lt-gemini) My capsule in Gemini space. Built with zord-tree support ## TODO * refactor layout * security * citata from some file * add pagehint counter in abcex * add gallery categories. index.md with secret to dynamic generators on build __DONE__ * remove capsule title from simple page * main.go:173 add content type by extension * add image or other file not `gmi` download * feed * add category view * add tag view * add file view * about * migrate to gRPC * routing, not found * template engine * all other languages under sgs * index file redirects to category * index file displayed as intro to category ## Run dev go run . -hostname=localhost -certificatePath=~/ -fileSrvHost=localhost -fileSrvPort=8301 -defaultLang=sgs -supportedLang=lt -key 123