I am Samogitian, a small ethnic group in west part of Lithuania, but I live in Vilnius. Main my ideas are concentrated about Samogitian language and its spreading and standardization. I work a lot to propagate common writing to Samogitians.
Articles I wrote simply in files and put them in my self-hosted cloud by created structure. Then there is service written on Go and my `zord-tree` library to populate and serve these files.
From this service it is served to gemini service what is written in Go, too, or to http service (backend on Go, frontend on Vue.js). For communications I use gRPC.
I am the member of Samogitian cultural society. To "legalize" my work on Samogitian language I created Institute of Samogitian language. In name of institute I do various stuff in IT to standardize Samogitian. Best finished projects:
=> https://bat-smg.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C4%97rms_poslapis Wikipedia in Samogitian
=> https://iso639-3.sil.org/code/sgs ISO 639 code for Samogitian language "sgs"